Who am I?
My name is Mihir Karandikar. I'm from Pune, India. I grew up in a middle-class Marathi household.
I strive for simplicity. It's hard to attain, but it is immensly beautiful. I bring order amidst chaos. I have an insatiable hunger to solve real world problems. I leave my surroundings better than they were ✨
Computers & me
My first computer was a Windows 98 PC running on the Intel Pentium III chip.
I wrote my first piece of code in Logo in 4th grade. For me, pushing pixels around with a piece of code was unreal! Cut to 7th grade - QBasic, where I tasted loops and conditions. And my first live app was written in Visual Basic 98 + MS Access 🎀
Discovering unfamiliar terrains has gifted me some of life's most cherished moments. My dream? To wander the globe. The means remain uncertain, but my passion is clear.
My journeys have led me to the peaks of mountains, the edges of coastlines, the heart of other countries, and the simplicity of villages. Everywhere I go, there's a new tale to tell.
Purchased a Himalayan BS6 for myself and fell in love with riding. Her name's Meera. We like cruising at 80kmph. Riding is therapy. It fills me with joy and excitement 😌
Many rides are lined up and I cannot wait to kit up and head out!
My mother instilled the habit of reading in me. She'd read me Marathi novels and gifted me a magazine subscription akin to Reader's Digest that got me hooked.
I read to challenge my beliefs. Every book I finish, leaves me with a new way of thinking.